I’ve been reading a book a week for months now and its been changing my life.

Reading a book a week has transformed my life, replacing screen time with enriching stories and insights. Discover my tips for meaningful and consistent reading.

Jordan Davis
9 min readSep 2, 2024


You know, there’s something incredibly satisfying about diving into a new book each week. Over the past several months, reading one book every week has brought a wave of positive changes into my life. It’s amazing how much more motivated and focused you become when you replace screen time with quality reading.

Through this journey, I’ve discovered some practical tips and rules that can help anyone interested in reading more consistently. From setting aside dedicated time in the mornings to pairing your reading sessions with a rewarding habit, these strategies have been game-changers for me. If you’re looking to ignite your passion for books and enhance various aspects of your life, stick around as I share these helpful insights.

Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

The Decision to Read a Book a Week

How It All Started

You may find yourself at a point in life where you start questioning your daily habits and what seems like an endless pit of digital…



Jordan Davis

Crime stories, hacking thrills, and odd documentaries fuel my passion. I dive into personal development, tech trends, online income. Let's explore!